~ Myofascial Release Medical Massage ~
~ Life Journey Session ~ Sky Session ~ Healing Meditation
Distance Healing ~ Healing Sessions for Animals
Alana Healing Center offers a myriad of services that heals the body and soul.
As the Body and Spirit are inextricably connected, to heal the one always affects the other.
I have watched Linda bring soothing relief to a person in pain through Massage.
Distance Healing has helped several members of my family.
Life Journey Sessions have illuminated many difficult chapters in my own life.
If we acknowledge the world in front of our eyes, we must also see the significance of the world behind our eyes.
Alana Healing Center addresses the whole person living in both worlds. It is truly a unique service and one that we all deserve.
N.M. Honolulu, Hawaii
I've been seeing Linda for massage therapy since 2008. Whenever my back goes out, I can't get up off the floor and I could be laid up for several days. I took Ibuprofen800 for years.
I exercise everyday so my muscles get tight. Linda loosens up the tight muscles and I feel good after the massage.
Linda taught me that regular massage treatments will keep my back strong and healthy. Regular massage sessions with Linda helps me feel good physically and it helps my mental outlook on life. Now that I have regular massages with Linda, I no longer take ibuprofen and I don't have severe back issues anymore. Thank you, Linda!
S.G. Nuuanu, Hawaii
Myofascial Release Medical Massage
When I first saw Linda for a massage, I was skeptical whether it could help alleviate my pain and discomfort.
I was recovering from a broken arm and had pain in my neck, shoulder, and hand at my first appointment.
I've had a lot of bodywork before - Linda's work was different from others. She explained how Myofascial Release (Connective Tissue Massage) can provide progressive changes in one's condition and provide relief from pain and discomfort. She also explained about muscles and soft tissues having memory so although I may feel better after the massage, it could take several sessions to feel much better.
I saw Linda once a week for several weeks and I feel better. Her goals are to help clients feel better and receive massage therapy on a regular basis as a form of maintenance to keep the aches and pains at bay.
S.J. Nuuanu, Hawaii
I am writing this letter to recommend Linda as a massage
therapist. I have consistently been impressed by her skills and professionalism.
Linda has a strong understanding of anatomy and applies a
variety of massage techniques to target specific areas of tension and pain. She is excellent at communicating with me to understand my needs and goals for each session. She tailors the pressure and focus of the massage accordingly.
Linda is always professional, on time, and maintains a clean and comfortable treatment environment.
Most importantly, my lower back, which has been giving me problems for many years, feels better. I highly recommend Linda as a massage therapist.
S. N. Waikiki, Hawaii
I had a great and deep experience doing the soul retrieval through the Life Journey Session. Processing the fears and learning to trust again, was what I wanted and steadily but continuously I am feeling better every day.
Linda gave me back my zest for life, the trust I needed and above all the love for myself. Everyday I discover bits and pieces I loved about myself but lost during the last couple of years. Slowly but surely, am regaining it all and it makes me happier, more satisfied and calm and comfortable in my body.
Linda, you did a fantastic job and I loved getting to know you! You are such a wonderful person and I recommend everyone who travels to Hawaii to go and visit you and let the magic happen!
Thank you so much Linda, you did so much good to me!! You are such a powerful shining person, you made a big impression on me and my boyfriend. We still talk about you and I have you in my thoughts every day!
Many many thanks and lots of shining love and light to you!!!
Big hugs from Austria!!!
Life Journey Session
I have been seeing Linda for healing sessions and refer everyone I know who are open to real inner growth. The healing sessions that she does with me are the Life Journey Sessions. I have done a few each year that I have known Linda. Each time I see her for this, I make a huge positive leap forward in my spiritual evolution.
I have gone through extremely challenging times, and with her unique and wonderful skills I was able to transform very deep trauma and move forward. From the very first time I went to her, she helped me get in touch with my Higher Self very quickly which was the most amazing experience. I was able to see past lives and other aspects of myself for the first time with her helping me to open up my intuitive abilities. She then guided me to undo negative emotional programming from my past.
Linda's healing sessions have helped me to gain more confidence and ability to tune in to my divine inner voice when I am not with her. In fact, this is part of the goal of her sessions, she wants her clients to be able to get strong enough that they can develop their own divine strength and also be able to connect to the Higher Self/inner voice on their own.
I.J. Hawaii Kai, Hawaii
Alana Healing Center offers a variety of services to heal the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual aspects of the individual. I highly recommend the services provided by Linda Iwamoto. She is a very compassionate, ethical and a skilled practitioner who is very honest and conducts herself and her gift in the highest regards.
In April 2010, I was pregnant and diagnosed with cancer in my left breast. I shared this news with Linda and she suggested I try some of the services she provides. We started with hypnotherapy and meditation sessions. These sessions provided me with a sense of peace and enabled me to find a sense of calmness during those dark and desperate times.
My oncologist recommended I start chemotherapy immediately while pregnant. I worked with Linda on a treatment plan using Distance Healing while receiving the toxic medication. To my benefit, I never experienced the side effects most individuals have while receiving chemotherapy, such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores and low blood counts.
Linda guided me through several Life Journey Sessions which I felt was so important for me to experience prior to giving birth. It's such a wonderful experience to have Linda guide you to a safe place where you can explore and connect with the past. This experience allowed me to understand behaviors/beliefs within myself so that I could heal and move forward to live in the present moment.
It was easy to develop a deep sense of trust when working with Linda, especially on sensitive matters. Linda works with the principal of Truth and Integrity and thus, you start to become honest about how you live your life. She has helped me immensely on a multitude of levels and I will always be grateful for how she has helped me.
Oh... I am happy to report in August 2010, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
Thank you, Linda!
M.Y. Palolo, Hawaii
I need to thank Linda greatly for the wonderful work she’s done. I was in pain with many stress related ailments. Most of which was in the lower abdominal area.
Regular medical doctors couldn’t help me at all with medicines. I also tried acupuncture and herbal remedies with very limited results. I found out that the pain, which was like ulcers, had its roots in stress and emotional baggage built up over the years. Things that were suppressed for decades were rotting me from the inside and taking its toll on my health.
I consulted Linda and she suggested a SKY Session. Linda helped me to clear out so much built up and pent up emotional sewage each time I had a session. I was surprised to see so much garbage, it was like a landfill.
After a number of months, I am so much better. The intestines don’t hurt like they use to and my overall well being and health is so much better. I definitely recommend seeking help from Linda.
D.N. Pearl City, Hawaii
SKY Session
My life was turned upside down when my 32 year old son was murdered in September 2012. It has been a long slow, agonizing journey which will most likely continue for years. I have known Linda Iwamoto for more than 20 years and I trust her integrity, her intuitive/healing abilities and her willingness to learn more about all aspects of healing.
This technique is different from other emotional release techniques in that you do not actually have to talk about the details of your problem. You choose a focus for each session and Linda uses her intuitive skills to help you release the blockage(s).
She will ask questions & guide you during the session to reach your goal. She does not ask you for the details of the painful experience that is causing the blockage.
I have had several sessions with Linda, and after each session, I have healed a part of me. It is really me that is healing myself with Linda guiding the process. This is what I appreciate about the technique. One does learn how to heal oneself, which I believe should be the goal of any healing technique.
Because the death of a child brings up many layers of emotional grief, some of which even surprised me, there is no easy fix. This is a healing journey for which I am deeply grateful for Linda's abilities.
S.B. Manoa, Hawaii
During my SKY Session, I was able to shed negative feelings very quickly from the deepest emotional wounds from my past. I am not exactly sure how Linda did it, but she got me to focus and bring up feelings that were buried.
I immediately could feel a major shift in my aura and energy flow during the session as that extra baggage was released for good.
It has been a few weeks now, and I still feel the positive effects of the SKY Session in my energy flow. Ever since then, at every moment, I can feel a different high vibration energy that I did not feel before. Also, people react to me differently and better opportunities immediately came my way. I know that this is a result of clearing out the blockages and past negative programming/energetic patterns.
I believe that anyone could benefit from one of these healing sessions, especially those who think they don’t have anything to work on.
I.K. Hawaii Kai, Hawaii
Highly recommend the Healing Meditation with Linda!
I thought I had "moved on" from my experiences but through this session I learned that I can always feel better. There are life experiences that linger in the background. It is hard to explain but I feel more understood and loved after the Healing Meditation.
I hope others can feel this too.
L.S. Honolulu, Hawaii
Healing Meditation
The Healing Meditation with Linda is very relaxing and stress relieving. Linda's tone of voice is perfect for Healing Meditation as she guides you into that Meditation Zone. The tension in my neck and shoulders seemed to melt away. My lungs felt like they opened up more and I was breathing better. I felt relaxed and ready to get up and face the new day.
I truly believe the Healing Meditation helped me later that day. I received a phone call from my son's supervisor. He said my son was taken to the hospital via ambulance for heat stroke. Luckily, he was stabilized and was sent home. Glad I had done the Healing Meditation earlier in the day to handle this stressful situation.
M.S. Salt Lake, Hawaii
Linda's Healing Meditation calmed my mind, soothed my heart and I found myself in a tranquil peaceful state.
I felt rejuvenated and buoyant after the meditation.
S.M. Honolulu, Hawaii
I developed lockjaw after an orthodontic treatment…due to the Dentist holding my jaw muscle way too hard and for too long a time. For months afterwards, I could not open my mouth enough to eat a sandwich, for example. I ate only soft things and liquids. I couldn’t even yawn. It was very painful, and its duration was depressingly long.
When I mentioned it to Linda, she suggested that perhaps she could work on it remotely, which she then did for a few treatments, and VOILA, it went completely away (which sometimes does not happen with this malady). I am now 100%, and can open my big mouth without pain any time I want to!! This was my Alana miracle.
Linda has worked on both me and my sister remotely, and the results are absolutely amazing. I highly recommend Alana Healing Center to anyone and everyone!
Thanks, Linda!
K.J. Makiki, Hawaii
Distance Healing
I was faced with an unexpected situation with my husband in the hospital. The chief of ICU sat me down the afternoon of Christmas Eve & told me, my husband had Sepsis, a blood infection & the situation looked very bleak.
Alone with the thoughts of my husband dying, I looked down the hallway outside ICU for just a few moments and then I began making calls. I was able to immediately get a hold of three of four people (three being my husband's friends) who could help with Distance Healing. I knew of no other modality that could help save my husband's life at that moment. The fourth person was Linda. She worked on boosting my husband's immune system & supporting his recovery.
As Linda continued to work on my husband, his body slowly regained a sense of normality and eighteen days later, he was released from the hospital.
During the months that ensued, Linda continued healing my husband's body. Medical doctors can be real skeptics, but they could not convince me otherwise that Distance Healing provided by Linda played a big part in my husband's survival and subsequent recovery. Linda had done Distance Healing for him in years past, but it could not be more evident of what the healing energies could do until it was life or death.
I will be forever grateful to Linda and her wonderous gift of healing.
Y.S. Honolulu, Hawaii
My kitchen counter went from exhibiting a beautiful display of vegetables and flowers, to a skyline of bottles and packages of Metamucil, Ibuprofen, Antibiotics, Mucinex, Flonase, heat packs, and generally anything I could think of to relieve the succession of ailments that are considered somewhat common for older people.
Luckily, I know of a healer named Linda Iwamoto. My sister found her accidentally while trying to find a massage therapist for her scoliosis. Then we found out about her ability to heal a person from a remote location. You don’t even have to be there. I was pretty skeptical at first, but you get to where you will try almost anything to stop the relentless progression of illnesses that are dive-bombing you one after the other for no reason.
This woman has a gift and it is genuine. With each ailment, I asked her to please do a distance healing and with each ailment, she did…and it worked in a way I have never experienced before. Some of these symptoms have lasted for weeks with me. But after Linda did her healing thing, these problems dissolved. Each one in turn was stopped almost overnight.
If you need a real healer, here’s what you should do. Call her. Tell her what the problem is. Say to yourself, ‘Do your thing, Linda, I’m ready.’ and then just relax or go to sleep.
S.J. Makiki, Hawaii
We have a cute, beloved 4 year old Maltese that has had skin allergies and most recently diagnosed with canine epilepsy. Her seizures began in February 2015 and escalated to 7 seizures in a 24 hour period. This resulted in a 2 day ER stay and the introduction of anti-seizure medicine. It was very frightening. We wondered if she was going to leave us.
Having controlled the seizures with medication we called Linda to see if we could treat her energetically as well. We got together for a Crystal Healing and SKY Session. It was amazing. The weight of the world had been lifted from our dog.
Ironically it was us that had to "release" emotionally in order to take the burden from our dog. I realized that the greatest gift a dog can give is to ground and stabilize the emotional ups & downs of her humans. I believe the session not only helped our dog , it helped us as well.
N.M. Honolulu, Hawaii

Healing Sessions for Animals
My Chocolate Lab Savannah injured her leg while speeding thru the kitchen one day. She was limping & experiencing reoccurring pain for many, many months. Through Distance Healing treatments, she no longer limps or is in pain. Once again, she's speeding around the house just as good as new!
Also, our family was going thru some major changes which were negative in nature. Savannah noticed, felt uneasy & was somewhat agitated. Linda was able to communicate with her to calm her & let her know what was going on. Linda also learned from Savannah that she needed me to talk to her more & let her know what was happening. I never had a "heart to heart" with her because I didn't think I was capable of communicating with her that way.
One day I explained to her all of the changes that were occurring. Savannah settled down & listened intently to what I was saying. I now tell her everything & she's happy & content again.
S.C. Aina Haina, Hawaii

Linda is a highly intuitive & gifted healer. Her expertise & willingness to combine integrative practices in Distance Healing prolonged Deva’s (our 18 year old kitty) life and brought us much comfort during her battle with stage four bladder cancer.
Our holistic vet was very pleased & appreciative to collaborate with Linda. Linda’s compassion & ego-less approach to healing combined with a down-to-earth pragmatic way of communication which was so appreciated during our Deva’s healing crisis.
Linda assisted Deva and our ohana to gracefully transition through the stages of death. It was obvious that Linda & Deva had a clear line of communication even when she passed into Spirit. Although we mourn the death of our beloved kitty, her journey transformed our ohana due to Linda’s “impeccability” and skills as a healing practitioner.
Lee Waimea, Hawaii Island